Work - training - mostly soft skills related in business and coaching
Not work - connect; explore; people watch and laugh as much as possible!
What matters most in the world?
That we get to enjoy the experience
If you were Prime Minister what would you do?
I like what Obama is about to do, focus on the people volunteering and helping each other and themselves - I like the idea that if people can get a sense of self worth and achievement from something unpaid it will go some way to out weigh the scarey stuff!
What does Soft Power say to you?
Well I don't think it has to actually be 'soft' in its literal sense. I hope it means the ability to be honest and 'say it as it is' - but with compassion and respect. I think it is about connectivity, growth, space for creativity, new thinking, but with the capacity to breakthrough stale, unhealthy old habits that no longer serve us!
Do you have children?
What would you like from this site?
Not sure right now :)
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