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indraadnan left a comment for Eileen Wharam
"That's better : ) Apologies and thanks again. Looking forward to your contributions "
Oct 11, 2012
indraadnan left a comment for Dorathy John
"Hi Dorathy - welcome to the site. Why did you choose to join the DSP? "
Apr 28, 2012
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"Hi Favour - Great name. Sounds like you have a burgeoning life! How do describe your balance? Looking forward to your contributions."
Jan 5, 2012

Profile Information

Describe yourself, briefly
Writer, consultant, thought-partner. Director, The Downing Street Project and Director, The Soft Power Network. Mother of teenage boy. Muse fan.
What do you do, mostly?
Think, plot, gather people round, exclaim and help where I can. People call me matronising.
What matters most in the world?
Benign globalisation, thriving communities, enlightened action.

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Indraadnan's Blog

On International Women's Day, DSP enters Phase 2

The Downing Street Project is one year old. With the UK on the brink of an

election, our dream of lining up 100 new women to stand seems far away. Despite

plenty of excellent candidates, the eye of the needle is selection at party

level. There are more women short-listed, but very few that are chosen to run

for winnable seats – even where the local selectors are largely women. Why? At

the current rate of…

Posted on March 8, 2010 at 13:30

It's integrity Captain, but not as we know it

Mahatma Gandhi ( once received a visit from a woman concerned about her child who was eating too much sugar. Knowing how much the child revered the guru, she asked Gandhi to convince him to give up, afraid he would become diabetic. Gandhi listened to her, nodded his head and asked her to return in a week. On her next visit Gandhi told the young boy that sugar was not good for him and he should give it up. Asking why he could not have… Continue

Posted on May 19, 2009 at 17:31 — 5 Comments

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At 9:38 on March 4, 2011, Jenny Wardle said…

Hi Indraadnan,

Thank you for the welcome and the question!

I shall preface my reply with 'I am not really sure what the Big Society actually means' as I can't clearly see the thinking and strategy behind it or the process for it to unfold. Undoubtedly some change will occur but will it be the profound change society needs?At the moment I doubt it as it seems to me the Government is doing contradictory things eg the forthcoming economic policy doesn't seem to support achievement of BS as it seems it will throw more people back into poverty and struggle which in my experience causes people to go into fight/ flight mode rather than community et al. 

My personal learnings, from life and the work I do with organisations and individuals, continually show me that what really matters in life is having the means to live a well life with relationships, community and the ability to thrive/ achieve/ be creative/ grow one's spirit.

If the BS can support achievement of that for everyone that I am all for it but I think we need changes in the financial system first. Whilst we still have the paradigm that money and wealth is prime and men (I am not anti-men it's just that their paradigm's tend to be different to most women's) have the power I feel it will be extremely difficult to achieve the BS.


At 11:57 on October 13, 2010, Jamie Cresswell said…
Can I claim expenses?? I'm having issues with some Ducks !
At 11:35 on October 13, 2010, Jamie Cresswell said…
Ah yes . Of course what I have presented so far is rather simplistic. We then get into Skillful means. Of course there must be ways, even rules for boundaries and successful communal living or societal living. The Buddha was very aware of this when it came to the Community of Monks and Nuns. You may remember that in the Lotus Sutra the Buddha uses Skillful means . The story of the father telling his sons about the wonderful chariots outside of the burning house that they should come out to see and play with. . He uses ideas in a compassionate way in order to help people. However ultimately once these ideas or means have been made use of they can be discarded. My understanding of this is that still all ideas or views are temporary and situational. There may not be a time limit on this, but the clinging or grasping is deeper in ones mind. I go back to ideas of 'ultimate' and 'the only way' that some find impossible to hold lightly. Its the holding lightly with all these things which the Buddha suggests can be developed. we seem to have jumped in to the real heart and subtle aspect of Buddhism here. :-)
At 10:31 on October 13, 2010, Jamie Cresswell said…
Yes You are right, I have heard that before...but its very important point. Its not about having ideas its about the clinging to those ideas. Ideas of ultimate truth for example. THE only way. so not clinging to any ideas or any views is what the Buddha advocated. To see views just as views. Views that change, develop, degrade whatever.
At 9:49 on October 13, 2010, Jamie Cresswell said…
Yes absolutely. This is the purpose of Buddhism. The mind experiences complete freedom, liberation and non-attachment. The 4th noble truth is Nirodha ( Nirvana) Liberation from craving and grasping. Particularly the holding on to the idea of a permanent, unchanging self. Or indeed holding on to any ideas of permanence. Its that simple !!! Ha ha!
At 21:28 on June 13, 2010, Rebekah Gronowski said…
Hi Indra,

Thank you for your warm welcome. You only have a tiny peek at my life story - there is much more to tell. I have other profiles in different places, including LinkedIn, from which I could add more if necessary. It's very hard to put a whole life into a nutshell!

I am fascinated by your Mock Cabinet Project - I wonder what commitment is expected? I'm living in Scotland at the moment but expecting to move back down South within a few months (hopefully) to be near to my family. I will be in or around London on 10th July, however, as I'm singing in the Royal Albert Hall on 11th!

I'll email to you the Application Form anyway and take it from there.

Best wishes,
At 5:43 on May 26, 2010, Sharon Thompson,JP said…
Thanks Indraadnan. Thank you for creating this social networking site - its great. I'll keep an eye out for what you have coming up and look forward to getting to know you.
At 11:55 on May 4, 2010, Dawn Hillier said…
Hi Indra,

Yes I cna do 11am on 20th May. Happy to meet at the Royal Festival Hall. My email address is
At 15:45 on May 3, 2010, Dawn Hillier said…
Thank you for your kind welcome Indra. I would be very happy toi meet up with you to discuss your proposed game - love the idea of Mock Cabinets! I can be in London on 19th, 20th or 21st May if you are free.

At 21:31 on April 19, 2010, Gaynor Wragg said…
I am in London on 29th April. I am in meetings most of the day but would like to know when and where the meeting is in case I am free.

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