The Downing Street Project / network

Denise Thomas
  • Female
  • London
  • United Kingdom
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  • Jarda

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Profile Information

Describe yourself, briefly
I am an entrepreneur who wants to make a difference in the world. I live in London with my fiancé and my two cats, Leo and Bruno. I'm desperate to move to a warmer climate, probably since I was born in Australia and it's in my blood.
What do you do, mostly?
I work part time and I work on my own lovely projects: - a blog about green living, raw food and general eco goodness.
A resource for brides to get in shape for their big day using the best diet on the planet - raw food! Let me know if you want to share your story, your wedding or honeymoon pictures - drop me a line at

Check them out and let me know what you think.
What matters most in the world?
Marianne Williamson said that unless the women of the world stand up and speak up, then the children of the world will always go hungry. We are the ones who can say "we don't care about your silly war, how are the children going to be fed?". We can change the world.
If you were Prime Minister what would you do?
Too many things. I think I'd start out with good intentions and then end up just shooting everyone. I'm not the best person to put in charge - trust me!
What does Soft Power say to you?
* Running the world in a beautiful, elegant and harmonious way that just WORKS
* Working with the forces of nature, instead of against them
* Dignity for all people AND the planet
Do you have children?
Not yet
What would you like from this site?
Networking with other like minded women, business ideas and support, entrepreneurial inspiration!

I'd also like to develop soft power qualities in myself, so I can handle being a powerful woman, without being scared of it, and also without turning into a tyrant!

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At 13:25 on July 1, 2009, indraadnan said…
Hi Denise - Welcome to the site! Looking forward to your contributions - love your mix of strong desires and humility : )

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