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Lopa Vibhakar
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  • indraadnan

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Profile Information

Describe yourself, briefly
Creative, innovative, intelligent, fun loving.

I have one son who is 17 and wants to become a chemical engineer.
I love networking, making friends. I love walking in countrysides, play tennis, and swim
What do you do, mostly?
I am head of Family Therapy Service in WalthamForest for Adult mental health. I have worked in NHS for 23 years.
I also run organisational consultancy, "HSFocus" speacialising in diversity consultancy, team coaching, Leadership coaching and counsultancy to Family owned Business.
I also have a sister company "Coachingfusion", speacilst in working with couples with Dual careers and balancing their relationship. We also work with Expatriates who are relocating their relationship and the implications.
What matters most in the world?
fabric of the society which is the "family". Implications for gender roles in the changing economy, balancing family values and beliefs to be able to give stability to children who are our future. I believe that Women have a very important role to play and always has, even more so now as more men are able to access their feminine qualities and that the society is ready to accept men who want to be more in a caring role to their children. So its about women being more aspirational and supporting them to be more confident and brave to step a bit more into the man's world and allowing men to be more caring and changing our perceptions around gender roles so that boys and girls grow up knowing the biological differences but also see and experience equality and role reversals and not be categorized into set behaviors. This will allow boys as well as girls to take on careers that not typical for the genders.
If we can get this right we perhaps won't need gender equality policies.
If you were Prime Minister what would you do?
I would definitely focus on families and broken families as numerous research show that most of the social problems begin as a result of children not been cared for, lack of emotional stability, not have a good attachment figure in their lives, the consequences of these are anti-social behaviors, teenage pregnancies, lack of direction in life, being swayed in directions that are not their own.
I would focus on creating the right support structure for these children and women who need to grow to their potential. I would also focus on couples /parents to help them find the balance between their own development and developing as a couple and family.
If we can get this right society as whole will be able to live in a more harmonious way, the result would be people feeling valued more confident and able to make decisions that are based on values that benefit not only themselves but also others. All businesses, politics begins with relationships/networks and ends well if the relationship is right, if people are able to listen to each other and their perspective on issues and tolerate differences then the Prime Ministers job is done as the ripple effect would be 1000 fold globally.
What does Soft Power say to you?
It is a paradox, I think Soft power is under estimated in British society, it can be misinterpreted as passive and hence very powerful if used for the good of the people.
I think women are very good at using it however, I think the Indian prime Minister is the perfect example of Soft Power.
Do you have children?
one son age 17
What would you like from this site?
Transparency, lot of information on women in all the area they are involved in, A clear message that its time for women to take up up different challenged and not just sponge it.
A message that more women are in the happening places.

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At 23:11 on June 22, 2009, indraadnan said…
Hi Lopa - so looking forward to meeting you on the 24th. Do you have the address? If not, mail me on

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