Woman, education and learning facilitator, poet, sailor, basket maker and lover of the sea and mountains.
What do you do, mostly?
Help take fear and anxiety and away from education and learning by working with individuals, groups and organisations who want to learn to develop positive and empowering approaches to learning, education, management or change. See www.comfortableshoes.ltd.uk
What matters most in the world?
Education and learning being a positive, person centred people empowering, experience for women and men with emotional competence at it's core.
If you were Prime Minister what would you do?
Stop testing children so much and put more emphasis on supporting teachers to be facilitators of learning; trust children to learn.
What does Soft Power say to you?
Connections, value, women, care not combat - possibilities and encouragement.
Do you have children?
What would you like from this site?
Kindred spirits on the journey.
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Welcome to the Downing Street Project! We warmly invite you to participate in the discussions, particularly the one on what the future would look like if we had balanced leadership...
Comment Wall (1 comment)
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Welcome to the Downing Street Project! We warmly invite you to participate in the discussions, particularly the one on what the future would look like if we had balanced leadership...
Many thanks,