The Downing Street Project / network

Masculine and Feminine energies

Hello everyone,

Lee has asked me to post this here, would love to hear your thoughts :)

All my best to DSP, very needed today...



One way to look at the world would be to look for signs of masculine and feminine energies and their interplay. As much of our current world is created through human interactions, understanding these 2 energies and their dynamics could be useful to understand what is happening around us. While women tend to demonstrate more of the feminine energy and men of the masculine, these are not exclusively connected to gender, think of them more as 2 complementary tendencies that affect our behaviour.

The Masculine energy is the warrior energy, in its healthy aspects manifesting as creation, innovation, differentiation, separation, clarity, boundaries, reason, principles and action. In unhealthy then as aggression, destruction, domination and others…

The Feminine energy is the energy of nourishment, integration, blending, connection and feeling. In the unhealthy it is about guilt, blame and exclusion…

I mention these examples just to give you an idea. Feel free to add/replace your own words. The important bit is that these energies are both equally important and we need them to interact with each other to ensure healthy evolution and sustainable progress. Any new creation needs to be nourished and integrated, reason of mind is powerfully supported by the emotion of the heart, after being on our own we long for connection, clear boundaries need to be constantly re-examined and tested to stay relevant, action complemented with reflection and stillness. Both these energies balance each other, both together are how sustinable progress happens…

As everything in nature, these complementary energies dance together and support each other. When there is too much of one or the other in any individual/community/organization/nation, an unsustainable disbalance is created and sooner or later consequences arise.

I believe one of the crucial inquiries for today’s world is how to consciously choose to benefit from both these energies when we lead our countries, organizations, make our decisions as teams and individuals. How to know that it is always a dance of mutually complementary energies, not a quest for which one of them should dominate. How do we design our systems and structures to follow cycles of action and regeneration, creation and nourishment, separation and connection. How do we dance with what is possible and link it back to what already works. How do we innovate and add to the picture without painting over it or tearing the canvas…

Just imagine the world where the healthy energies build on each other and connect to create more than any of them could create alone. Imagine discussions in world’s parliaments that equally value the raw force of creation with the gentle movement of nourishment. Imagine meetings where we take time to listen to our minds as well as to our hearts. Imagine that you can fully claim your beautiful power while at the same time can be fully aware and considerate of everyone around you…

Whenever you feel like you should be different, new and unique, follow the call. Whenever you feel you should support, connect and preserve do so as well. The more range you can inhabit with your masculine/feminine energy, the more you are able to adapt to what is needed in changing environment around you and adequately respond to any context that you will meet on your journey of life…

No matter if you are man or woman, this dance will be present for you. It is a dance of development, the interplay of life. It is how humanity expands and stabilizes, grows and preserves. Enjoy your exploration and let me know how it goes.

And remember, this is about finding your own way based on what I write, nothing more and nothing less…

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